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September 21, 2017, 9:21 am
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Pigg's Peak Casino will Cease to Exist from November

Pigg's Peak Casino, a branch of CASINO enterprises, will be closed by the end of November, reveled an employee of the website. The employ said that they have been informed about the closure of the website through a memorandum. The memorandum said that the casino will continue to operate fully till the end of November. More than 50 employees will lose their jobs if the website is closed down.

This decision follows a Court ruling that favored the South African National Gambling Board.  Pigg's Peak has been fighting for the rights to permit the South African players to play at the online casino. Although players from Namibia and Swaziland are permitted to play on this casino, it is forced to close because most of the players of this site are from South Africa.

The online casino requested the labor commissioner to intervene in the matter saying that 90% of its players are from South Africa. The casino's branch manager said that the site will continue its operations till November as decided in the staff meeting with the board of directors. He also said that the board of directors will meet the staff to decide about the way ahead.

The online casino had lost its appeal in the lower courts and had moved to the Appeals Court. During the period of trial the website had tried to establish that the players play not from their computers but from the server of the operators, located in Swaziland. But the Court ruled against the casino. As per the court order Pigg's Peak can allow only players from outside South Africa. The court, in a statement, asked the South African players at the online casino to withdraw from it immediately

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