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September 21, 2017, 9:24 am
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Republican US Senate candidates opposed to online gambling

Republican candidates accused of pandering to the Tea Party before 2012 Senate elections.

Four Republican senate hopefuls came out strongly against legalized internet betting in a recent debate in Orlando, Florida. It is an issue on which all four, George Le Mieux, Adam Hasner, Mike McCalister and Craig Miller, showed rare solidarity. They are competing to run against Democrat Senator Bill Nelson in the November 2012 election.

The four Republican candidates have been accused of campaigning for Tea Party votes by proclaiming their opposition to online gambling. The tea party, a loose collection of ultra-right local and national groups, has gained a considerable following in America in recent years.

Professors of political science have determined that a common trait to most declared Tea Party members is their desire to increase the role of religion in politics. Clearly, the increase in the Tea Party's popularity bad news for pro-gambling advocates, as religion has consistently condemned gambling for thousands of years.

In the economically and politically challenged United States, politics is often compared to a game, where the loudest voices win attention and decisions are made based on political expediency rather than the ideals of freedom on which the country is built.

Therefore, the continued growth of the tea party means it is unlikely that the attitudes of these candidates and their associates will change. And with a Republican majority in the Senate, it is equally unlikely that any bill legalizing online gambling will be passed in the near future. However, considering America's historically turbulent political climate, those with an interest in online gambling issues will be following the situation closely.

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